Large Employers/Government

As an environment, health, and safety (EHS) officer, your task is two-fold. First, you must provide your employees with the baselines of a safe work environment. Second, you must insulate your organization against adverse legal and regulatory actions. Your success with the former will directly determine your success with the latter.

Fortunately, EHS Hero can tailor a solution that is affordable, comprehensive, and scalable. EHS Hero solutions are driven by regulatory compliance at both the state and federal level and by accepted best practices.

EHS Hero can help you answer many questions, including the following:

How can I be sure that my EHS team is on top of its game?
Regulations, laws, and accepted best practices are constantly changing. Your line managers depend on the expertise of your people to guide them through these treacherous waters. Even the most seasoned EHS professionals can find themselves at a loss for answers. EHS Hero’s regulatory analysis keeps your team members informed so they can be a more confident and knowledgeable resource for your management team.

How can I establish a greater sense of consistency from one department to the next or from one facility to the next?
Consistency is vitally important. Opposing attorneys and regulatory agents will try to uncover contradictions in your policies and procedures. These inconsistencies can undermine your credibility and create confusion for managers and employees. Making EHS Hero’s regulatory analysis and training materials available will ensure your team is getting its information and training from a single trusted source rather than from multiple (potentially unreliable) online and printed sources.

How can I increase employee morale and reduce turnover?
Excessive employee turnover represents a very real cost to your organization, in both the dollars you spend to find and hire replacements and in the productivity and morale you lose when good people don’t stay for the long term. Employees want to feel respected by both management and their peers. They want to feel safe in their place of work. EHS Hero’s solutions can help you establish a positive environment that fosters a deep sense of trust between management and employees.

How can I reduce my worker’s comp and employment practices liability insurance premiums?
Sub-standard EHS practices lead to injuries, preventable absences, and out-of-control worker’s comp premiums. Poor employment practices lead to low morale, costly lawsuits, and high EPLI premiums. Excessively high insurance premiums can destroy margins faster than any other single expense. EHS   Hero’s award-winning instructor-led training materials and online education programs empower you and your line managers to institute, teach, and reinforce policies that are aligned with accepted best practices and that are compliant with regulations set forth by OSHA, the Department of Labor, and other regulatory agencies.

I have solid EHSMS and LMS solutions. How can I make them more valuable to my team?
You’ve already made the investment in state-of-the-art infrastructure to deliver important information to your EHS and management teams, but are you confident that your content is as cutting edge as your delivery platform? Whether it’s state and federal analysis, written plans, job descriptions, or online training courses, EHS Hero will work with you to seamlessly integrate its content into your existing systems.

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